Thursday, July 23, 2020

Timi Ra Ma Nepali Film 2019

Timi Ra Ma Nepali Film 2019

CONGRATULATIONS for complete one year
TimroMero Production,
Sidartha Biswa and his entire team for making beautiful short Nepali film for Nepali community.
After a simple break up, A young boy tries to get his girlfriend back before she leaves him forever.
Story| Screenplay| Directed| Edited - Bishal Sinchoury

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Book Author's daughter

Book Author's daughter

लेखककी छोरी book cover
book cover 

This is the first book of J.N. Dahal. In the stories, the author covers the love of the motherland, the misery of the refugee life and the various sufferings of the people. The stories are fascinating encompassing the themes of the author's life.

Aurthor: JN Dahal, USA.